Deliver IBM i Data to SharePoint
Distribute IBM i data and reports to SharePoint as Excel or PDF by using CoolSpools and Power Automate.
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FAQ: CoolSpools Fonts
Why do Coolspools fonts looks different in the PDF to what it does when printed?
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Reclaim Hours, using Spool File Converter
How much of your day is spent creating, formatting and distributing reports on the System i, AS/400 or iSeries?
0 Comments3 Minutes
Generating JSON on IBM i Using CoolSpools
How to use CVTDBFTXT FROMFILE(*SQL) with IBM SQL JSON functions to convert from your database to JSON format with CoolSpools.
0 Comments13 Minutes
FAQ: Coolspools Exit Programs
How do I write an exit program for CoolSpools to call?
0 Comments19 Minutes
CHKXML – Check XML files using XSD schema
CoolSpools recently introduced command CHKXML runs natively on the IBM i platform to validate the content of an XML file against an XSD schema
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FAQ: Dropping unwanted pages from spools
There are some pages/lines in the report I don’t want. How can I get rid of them?
0 Comments4 Minutes
CoolSpools and Excel FAQ
I’m running CoolSpools V6, CoolSpools PLUS, CoolSpools V5 or Slipstream V4 and am having problems opening Excel files in Excel 2010.
0 Comments1 Minutes
Take the Pain Out Of IBM i Spool to Excel File Creation
Don’t you wish someone would invent an easier way to automatically convert System i spool & database files into Excel documents?
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FAQ: Splitting/bursting spooled files
My spooled file contains multiple documents (invoices, statements etc.) that need to be sent to different people (customers, departments etc.). How can I split/burst the spooled file so I can do that?
0 Comments7 Minutes
Converting IBM AS/400 files to XML – communication in the modern world
Converting important data from your iSeries system to be shared across intranets, the world wide web and elsewhere requires a flexible file format.
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Sending Email via Office 365 with Basic Authentication
Use CoolSpools to extract data from IBM i application databases to MS Excel spreadsheets.
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IBM i File Conversion: Making it Easy With CoolSpools Software
CoolSpools is designed to make it easier, quicker and more convenient to manage, access, convert and distribute information using System i.
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FAQ: IBM i email troubleshooting
My emails are being sent/aren’t being delivered: how can I work out why?
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Guide: Creating Excel files on your IBM i
Our guide to creating Excel format files on your AS/400 System I / iSeries. You need Excel format from your spool files because that’s the format in which your users and customers want their data...
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A smarter way to create PDF files in an IBM AS400 environment
With CoolSpools software you can automatically convert your spool file to PDF, or multiple PDF’s, saving time and ensuring accuracy.
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5 Great Reasons to Choose CoolSpools Software
CoolSpools really IS the most powerful, most fully-featured, easiest to use System i spool file converter
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Apache Log4j Vulnerability
The CoolSpools application is not impacted by the Apache Log4j vulnerability CVE-2021-44228
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FAQ: CoolSpools and email addresses
How do I tell CoolSpools who to email a converted spooled file to?
0 Comments26 Minutes
CoolSpools Support
Here are a few of the ways that we keep our customers happy and our software up to such a high standard.
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Spring4Shell Vulnerability
The CoolSpools application is not impacted by the Spring Framework vulnerability CVE-2022-22965
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Guide: CoolSpools Version 7 Installation Options
The options listed below all install a full working version of CoolSpools.
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Extend CoolSpools Automation With Your Own CL Programs
Extend your IBM i Spooled File Automation by integrating a custom CL program with CoolSpools Spool Admin
0 Comments15 Minutes
The Many Benefits of PDFs (And The Easy Way To Create Them)
CoolSpools is a powerful, fully-featured spool file converter, offering an easy, customizable way to convert spool to PDF and a whole host of other useful file formats.
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Send Email Using Multiple Sender Domains
Use CoolSpools to deliver email messages from your IBM i server with multiple sender address domains without being tripped up by spam filters.
0 Comments7 Minutes
Is This The Most Powerful Spool File Converter Yet?
If you work within an AS/400 environment, wouldn’t it be great if you could take your spooled files and use them to communicate information across multiple channels?
0 Comments4 Minutes
CoolSpools Application Security
Control user permissions to CoolSpools application commands and features
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5 benefits of converting a spooled file to PDF
There are a number of reasons why converting a spool file in IBM AS400 / System I to PDF will benefit you and your company
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Guide: Import Text File to IBM i Database Table with CoolSpools
Importing delimited and fixed-position text files to IBM i database with CoolSpools
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Guide: Three Steps to Spooled File Automation Heaven
Automate your IBM i (AS/400, iSeries) Spooled File Processing with CoolSpools
0 Comments18 Minutes
IBM i Document Creation: Problems Solved
When communicating information throughout your business, there are several factors to consider.
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Do you need to convert complex iSeries data into manageable PDF files?
CoolSpools lets you easily pull together reports in PDF, XML and Excel formats from IBM iSeries / AS400 using different selections of the company data.
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FAQ: CoolSpools PTF’s for O/S V5R3 & R4
I’m running CoolSpools V6, CoolSpools PLUS, CoolSpools V5 or Slipstream V4 and am having problems opening Excel files in Excel 2010.
0 Comments1 Minutes
FAQ: CoolSpools and IBM i OS Upgrades
I’m upgrading to IBM i V6R1M0-V7R5M0, do I need a special version?
0 Comments7 Minutes
FAQ: CoolSpools and H.A. / Replication
We’re using a High Availability system that replicates our objects and data to a backup system. What do I have to do in relation to CoolSpools etc?
0 Comments27 Minutes
Guide: CoolSpools License Transfer
Everything you need to keep CoolSpools running after a hardware or operating system upgrade
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17 Ways Spool File Converter Turbo-Boosts AS400 Systems
Creating PDFs just got a whole lot easier! Why manually create PDFs when CoolSpools can automate the process from your spool files?
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Withdrawal of IBM Db2 Web Query
IBM have announced the withdrawal of IBM Db2 Web Query for i. Is CoolSpools affected, or can it be used as a replacement tool?
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FAQ: Restricting PDF actions
Can you prevent people from modifying/printing/copying text from PDF’s?
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Sending Email via Microsoft 365 with OAUTH 2.0
Use CoolSpools to relay email messages from your IBM i server via Microsoft 365 (Office 365) authenticating the SMTP connection with MS OAUTH 2.0.
0 Comments14 Minutes
IBM i Information Management Made Easy
Are you getting the most from your System i environment? Is your data managed, extracted and communicated in the most efficient manner? Or do you feel like your System i databases and spool files could be working harder for you?
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Replacing KemeTECH ConversionSuite
Replacing KemeTECH ConversionSuite quickly and easily with the CoolSpools Database module
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FAQ: User profiles and email addresses
Where does CoolSpools get the email address for a user profile from?
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How to Convert IBM Spool to Excel with CoolSpools
The CoolSpools range of AS/400 solutions includes a powerful spool file converter that can output to a wide range of popular file formats, including Excel.
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FAQ: CoolSpools License and Support Keys
What is the difference between CoolSpools license and support keys?
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FAQ: Automatic spooled file processing
How do I set up automatic processing of spooled files?
0 Comments12 Minutes
Distribute Your Existing QUERY 400 Reports as Excel Spreadsheets
An IBM i (AS/400) users guide to distributing existing QUERY/400 reports as Excel Spreadsheets from CoolSpools.
0 Comments6 Minutes
IBM i to Excel – a need not a want
CoolSpools quickly distributes information from System i into a variety of different formats including Excel, XML and PDF.
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Guide: Spooled File Archiving with IBM Content Manager OnDemand and CoolSpools
Maximise your IBM i Spooled File archiving capabilities by combining CoolSpools with IBM Content Manager OnDemand
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Create iSeries XML the Easy Way with CoolSpools
CoolSpools can generate a wide range of file formats by converting your iSeries spool files including PDF, Excel and crucially XML.
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Guide: Deliver Content Rich Email Messages from your IBM i Server
Compose content-rich email messages on IBM i
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FAQ: CoolSpools backup systems
Do I need to buy a license for my backup/D.R. system? Do you have special deals for backup systems?
0 Comments3 Minutes
FAQ: Spool Admin Substitution Variables
What are CoolSpools Spool Admin substitution variables, how and where can I use them and how to they differ from CoolSpools Spool Converter variables?
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FAQ: Import XML to IBM i Database
How can I use CoolSpools to import data from an XML file to my IBM i Database?
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How Spool File Converters Can Help Your Business
Could you be making better use of your data extracts? Maybe you’re wasting time performing tasks that could be automated
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Guide: CoolSpools Version 6 Installation Options
The options listed below all install a full working version of CoolSpools V6
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Including Dynamic Images in Spooled File Conversions to PDF
Using CoolSpools to convert IBM i spooled files to PDF, with dynamic inclusion of images that relate to the page content
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3 Everyday IBM i Tasks Made Easy
If you work in an IBM System i, AS/400 or iSeries environment, there are many applications on the market than claim to make things easier and faster. But are any of them as powerful as CoolSpools
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FAQ: Including images in PDFs
My document prints on a pre-printed form and I need to see that inside the PDF. Can CoolSpools do that?
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Extract Active Job Data with IBM i SQL Services and CoolSpools
Combine IBM i SQL services with CoolSpools database to easily distribute system information, such as active job information, in a variety of formats including Excel and XML.
0 Comments4 Minutes
FAQ: Giving your files meaningful names
I want to give my files a meaningful name. How can I do that?
0 Comments19 Minutes
FAQ: CoolSpools and OS/400 (IBM i)
With which versions of OS/400 is your software compatible?
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Easy Conversion of IBM i data to Excel
Use CoolSpools to extract data from IBM i application databases to MS Excel spreadsheets.
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Apache ActiveMQ Vulnerability
The CoolSpools application is not impacted by the Apache ActiveMQ vulnerability CVE-2023-46604
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FAQ: Why use PDF format for IBM I (AS/400) reports?
Why should I convert a spool file to PDF to distribute my AS/400 documents?
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Simplifying FTP on the IBM i Server with CoolSpools
CoolSpools FTP commands make it easy to perform file transfers to and from your IBM i server.
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Guide: Retrieve Spooled File Data to a CL Variable
Use CoolSpools command GETSPLDTA to populate a CL variable with data from within an IBM i spooled file.
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The Power of iSeries PDFs (And The Easy Way to Create Them)
If you work in an IBM iSeries, System i or AS/400 environment, creating PDFs has got even easier! All thanks to CoolSpools spool file converter.
0 Comments3 Minutes
Would you like to see how CoolSpools Suite could modernise data management on your your IBM i?
Complete the form below and one of our technicians will get in touch.

Ariadne Software Ltd.
2 The Beeches
Beech Lane
United Kingdom
Useful links:
IBM i File Conversion with Coolspools Software
Convert Spool files to Excel
Convert Spool files to PDF
Spool File to PDF
AS400 to PDF
AS400 to XML
CoolSpools Licensing
CoolSpools Managed Services
CoolSpools Partners
CoolSpools latest Guides and Documentation
How to extract XML from AS400