Important message for existing CoolSpools users!

If you are running CoolSpools Version 6 please read the relevant guide for Upgrade From CoolSpools V6 to V7, if you are running an earlier version of CoolSpools please read the guide for an Upgrade from pre-V6 CoolSpools before installing Version 7.

CoolSpools Version 7 Installation Options

The options listed below all install a fully working version of CoolSpools. You can evaluate CoolSpools free of charge for up to 30 days, but at the end of your 30-day trial period, you will need to enter a licence key to continue using the software. If you need more time to evaluate CoolSpools, email [email protected] and we will normally be happy to grant an extension to the trial period and will send you a temporary licence key.

Once you’ve finished your evaluation, email us at [email protected] to arrange to purchase the product. Buying CoolSpools is very simple. For details, see the notes here.

If you run into any problems during installation, or during your trial, or if you are in any way, not 100% satisfied with the results you obtain, please log a ticket via our Help Desk portal. We will be very happy to advise you on how to get the best out of CoolSpools.

The minimum OS/400 release required for CoolSpools Version 7 is OS/400 V6R1M0. If you are running a version of OS/400 earlier than V6R1M0, CoolSpools Version 7 will not run on your system.

No special version of the software is required for OS/400 V7R1M0 (IBM i 7.1).

CoolSpools Version 7 Install Packs

There are several ways in which CoolSpools V7 can be installed. Which method is best for you depends on a number of factors. Choose your preferred method from the list below and click on the link to follow the instructions for that method.

Method Overview Description Prerequisites


Automated install from a PC

This method involves running a .EXE file (self-extracting zip) file on your PC to install CoolSpools on your system i.

Depending on which .EXE program you run, you can either install the entire CoolSpools package or individual product options.

The PC installer will send the code to be installed to the system i and run the commands needed to install CoolSpools there.

Note that CoolSpools does not need a PC and after installation all CoolSpools functionality runs entirely on the system i.

Select this method if you are more comfortable running things from a PC.

  • You must sign on to the system i as a user with *SECADM and *ALLOBJ special authorities.
  • An FTP connection to the system i from your PC.
  • You must be willing and able to open up your PC firewall so the installer can communicate between your PC and the system i.


Automated install from a PC and the system i

This method involves running a .EXE file (self-extracting zip) file on your PC to install just a small installer application on the system i.

The rest of the installation, including downloading of the install files, is then carried out on the system i itself.

Note that CoolSpools does not need a PC and after installation all CoolSpools functionality runs entirely on the system i.

Select this method if you prefer to run things mostly from the system i.

  • You must sign on to the system i as a user with *SECADM and *ALLOBJ special authorities.
  • Either an FTP (preferred) or System i Access connection to the system i from your PC.
  • You must be willing and able to open up your PC firewall so the installer can communicate between your PC and the system i.
  • An internet connection must be available for use from the system i so that the installer can connect to ariadne’s web server via FTP to download the install files.


Manual installation of the installer, automated installation from the system i

Select this method if you cannot use the PC install programs used by methods A and B above, for example if you cannot open up your PC firewall to all the installer to connect to the system i.

You will manually install the small installer application on the system i then run an automated install of the rest of the application from the system i itself.

  • You must sign on to the system i as a user with *SECADM and *ALLOBJ special authorities.
  • An FTP connection from your PC to the system i to allow transfer of the save files for the small installer application.


Manual installation mainly on the system i

Select this method only if it is not possible to use any of the above methods for some reason, as it is more complex than the others.

You are required to download one or more zip files each containing one or more system i save files, Those save files must be unzipped and transferred to the system i. You must then run a series of Restore Licensed Program (RSTLICPGM) commands to install the product options you want.

  • You must sign on to the system i as a user with *SECADM and *ALLOBJ special authorities.
  • An FTP connection from your PC to the system i to allow transfer of the save files.

Method A

In order to install CoolSpools using this method, you must first download and run the appropriate .EXE file from the list below.

Follow the instructions for Method A in the Installation Guide.

Product Option Option Name Install file name Notes
All options Complete Package


Installs the complete CoolSpools package on your system i.

No other CoolSpools setup is required once this program has completed.

*BASE Base Option


Installs just the CoolSpools Base option on your system i.

The Base option must be installed before any of the other product options below can be installed.

Once this program has completed, you must install the individual options that you wish to use by running one or more of the programs listed below.

1 Spool Converter


Installs just the CoolSpools Spool Converter option on your system i.

CoolSpools Spool Converter lets you convert system i spooled files to PDF, Excel and other formats.

The Base option must be installed before you can install other options.

2 Email


Installs just the CoolSpools Email option on your system i.

CoolSpools Email lets you send emails from your system i and attach files that CoolSpools creates.

The Base option must be installed before you can install other options.

3 Spool Admin


Installs just the CoolSpools Spool Admin option on your system i.

CoolSpools Spool Admin lets you manage spooled files on your system i and automate the conversion, processing and distribution of spooled files as PDFs, Excel etc.

The Base option must be installed before you can install other options.

4 Database


Installs just the CoolSpools Database option on your system i.

CoolSpools Database lets you extract information from on your system i database and publish it as Excel spreadsheets, XML, CSVs, text, HTML etc. Query and SQL output can also be saved in these formats.

The Base option must be installed before you can install other options.

5 NetServer Toolkit


Installs just the CoolSpools NetServer Toolkit option on your system i.

CoolSpools NetServer Toolkit is a free component of the CoolSpools suite which provides a quick and easy way of creating and managing NetServer file and print shares. NetServer file shares are a great way of accessing PDFs, Excel spreadsheets and other files created by CoolSpools from your PC.

The Base option must be installed before you can install other options.

Method B

Automated install from a PC and the system i

In order to install CoolSpools using this method, you must first download and run the installer program CoolSpools_V7R1_Setup.EXE

Follow the instructions for Method B in the Installation Guide.

Method C

Manual installation of the installer, automated installation from the system i

In order to install CoolSpools using this method, you must first download the install file for the installer application CP_V7INS.ZIP and save it to your PC.

Follow the instructions for Method C in the Installation Guide.

Method D

Manual installation on the system i

Select this method only if it is not possible to use any of the above methods for some reason as it is more complex than the others.

Refer to the table below for details of the files you can download and their contents.

Follow the instructions for Method D in the Installation Guide.

Zip file name Save file(s) included Description








Save files for the base product option and each individual product option (see below for details).


CPV7R1BASE.SAV Save file containing the CoolSpools Base option.


CPV7R1OPT1.SAV Save file containing  CoolSpools product option 1 (Spool Converter).


CPV7R1OPT2.SAV Save file containing  CoolSpools product option 2 (Email).


CPV7R1OPT3.SAV Save file containing  CoolSpools product option 3 (Spooled File Administration).


CPV7R1OPT4.SAV Save file containing  CoolSpools product option 4 (Database).

CPV7R1OPT5.SAV Save file containing CoolSpools product option 5 (NetServer Toolkit).

The Base Option must be installed first.

You will therefore need either:

  1. COOLSPV7R1.ZIP (which contains all options); or

  2. CPV7R1BASE.ZIP (which contains the base option)

    AND the relevant product option ZIP files for the options you wish to install.

Earlier versions

If you are unable to install the latest version of our software because you are running a version of OS/400 earlier than V5R3M0. Please contact [email protected].

Instructions for installing any of these versions of our software are given in the "Installation" section of the User Guide, which is included in the zip file you download below. 

CoolSpools Fix Packs

CoolSpools V7 Fix Packs

When installing the software for the first time, there is no need to install fix packs as well.

The simplest way to download a fix pack for CoolSpools V7 is from your system i itself by running the RTVFIX command. RTVFIX will automatically download the files you need for the product options you have installed.

However, if your system i is not connected to the internet, or if you prefer to download fix packs manually, you can do so from the links below. The fix pack files should be saved in the IFS directory /CoolSpoolsV7R1/fixes.  

Use the LODFIX command to load the fix (prepare it for application) and the APYFIX command to apply it (activate it).

The full procedure is described in the CoolSpools V7 Maintenance Guide

You install fixes at your own risk under the terms of your Software License Agreement

Fix pack number Cover Letter Release Date Notes Product option Zip file


notepad logo


This fix pack is available as a set of related ZIP files. You only need to download those that relate to product options you have installed.

Control file (required) WinZip Logo
*BASE code (required) WinZip Logo
Spool converter code WinZip Logo
Email code WinZip Logo
Spool admin code WinZip Logo
Database code WinZip Logo
NetServer code WinZip Logo