CoolSpools Licensing

Software licenses are available on a per LPAR basis

We also offer license transfers and special arrangements for backup and DR systems.

License transfers

If you need help with any of the techniques described below, feel free to contact our support team.

We have a new machine. Can we transfer the software to it?

Yes, this can be done, and will be free so long as your support and maintenance contract is up to date.

See our license transfer instructions for details of the technical procedure to be followed.

Please complete our license transfer request form, making sure to include each system/LPAR from which one or more licenses are to be transferred.

Do we need a new license key?

Probably. If the new machine has exactly the same serial number and LPAR number as your old one, then the key won’t change but you’ll need to re-enter the old key on the new machine. If either the serial number or the LPAR number has changed, you’ll need a new key.

See our licence transfer instructions for details of the technical procedure to be followed.

Please complete our licence transfer request form, making sure to include each system/LPAR from which one or more licenses are to be transferred.

Do I need a license per LPAR?

Yes, but there are discounts available when you are buying licenses for more than one partition on the same system. Contact Ariadne Sales for details of the latest discounts available and to ask for a quote.

Multiple systems
Are there discounts for multiple systems?

Yes. Contact Ariadne Sales for details of the latest discounts available and to ask for a quote.

Development systems
Are there discounts for development/test systems?

Yes. Contact Ariadne Sales for details of the latest discounts available and to ask for a quote.

CoolSpools and backup systems

Do I need to buy a license for my backup/D.R. system?
Do you have special deals for backup systems?

We have special arrangements for backup/D.R./H.A. systems and there are a couple of ways you can choose to address the question of backup systems more…

Supported versions

What versions of your software are currently supported?

CoolSpools V6 and V7. Withdrawal of support for earlier versions has been announced. more…

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CoolSpools Guides, FAQ’s and Documentation

Spool File Converter Turbo

17 Ways Spool File Converter Turbo-Boosts AS400 Systems

Creating PDFs just got a whole lot easier! Why manually create PDFs when CoolSpools can automate…

annie spratt

A smarter way to create PDF files in an IBM AS400 environment

With CoolSpools software you can automatically convert your spool file to PDF, or multiple PDF’s,…

Guide: Creating Excel files on your IBM i

Our guide to creating Excel format files on your AS/400 System I / iSeries. You need Excel format…

Guide: Three Steps to Spooled File Automation Heaven

Automate your IBM i (AS/400, iSeries) Spooled File Processing with CoolSpools

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Generating JSON on IBM i Using CoolSpools

How to use CVTDBFTXT FROMFILE(*SQL) with IBM SQL JSON functions to convert from your database to…

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FAQ: CoolSpools and IBM i OS Upgrades

I’m upgrading to IBM i V6R1M0-V7R5M0, do I need a special version?

jordon conner - Coolspools support

CoolSpools Support

Here are a few of the ways that we keep our customers happy and our software up to such a high…

coolspools CHKXML

CHKXML – Check XML files using XSD schema

CoolSpools recently introduced command CHKXML runs natively on the IBM i platform to validate the…

XML file

FAQ: Import XML to IBM i Database

How can I use CoolSpools to import data from an XML file to my IBM i Database?

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