CoolSpools payments

Payment options for CoolSpools software.

How to make payments to Ariadne Software

Whether you are purchasing the CoolSpools product for the first time, renewing annual support and maintenance, or benefiting from bespoke consultancy and training, making a payment to Ariadne Software couldn’t be simpler.

Payment methods

The following payment methods are available:

  • Electronic funds transfer
All of the bank details needed to process an electronic funds transfer are provided on your invoice.
  • Secure online credit card (operated by WorldPay)
Click here to make a secure credit card payment via WorldPay

Please note that Ariadne Software is unable to accept payment by any other method (e.g. cheque).

Please contact [email protected] if you have any payment queries.

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CoolSpools Guides, FAQ’s and Documentation

FAQ: Splitting/bursting spooled files

My spooled file contains multiple documents (invoices, statements etc.) that need to be sent to…

as/400 iseries

Reclaim Hours, using Spool File Converter

How much of your day is spent creating, formatting and distributing reports on the System i, AS/400…

Easy Conversion of IBM i data

Easy Conversion of IBM i data to Excel

Use CoolSpools to extract data from IBM i application databases to MS Excel spreadsheets.

iseries pdf

Do you need to convert complex iSeries data into manageable PDF files?

CoolSpools lets you easily pull together reports in PDF, XML and Excel formats from IBM iSeries /…

Convert spool to pdf

How Spool File Converters Can Help Your Business

Could you be making better use of your data extracts? Maybe you’re wasting time performing tasks…

Guide: CoolSpools Version 7 Installation Options

The options listed below all install a full working version of CoolSpools.

CoolSpools License Transfer

Guide: CoolSpools License Transfer

Everything you need to keep CoolSpools running after a hardware or operating system upgrade

Email and User identity in CoolSpools

FAQ: User profiles and email addresses

Where does CoolSpools get the email address for a user profile from?

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