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Download the CoolSpools datasheet
CoolSpools is a powerful but highly cost-effective information management toolkit for IBM i.
CoolSpools helps you give your users and customers the information they need, when they need it, how they need it.
Download the datasheet to learn more about how CoolSpools can deliver increased efficiencies to your IBM i environment.
CoolSpools Guides, FAQ’s and Documentation
How to Convert IBM Spool to Excel with CoolSpools
The CoolSpools range of AS/400 solutions includes a powerful spool file converter that can output…
Reclaim Hours, using Spool File Converter
How much of your day is spent creating, formatting and distributing reports on the System i, AS/400…
Guide: Retrieve Spooled File Data to a CL Variable
Use CoolSpools command GETSPLDTA to populate a CL variable with data from within an IBM i spooled…
CHKXML – Check XML files using XSD schema
CoolSpools recently introduced command CHKXML runs natively on the IBM i platform to validate the…
Deliver IBM i Data to SharePoint
Distribute IBM i data and reports to SharePoint as Excel or PDF by using CoolSpools and Power…
FAQ: Dropping unwanted pages from spools
There are some pages/lines in the report I don’t want. How can I get rid of them?
17 Ways Spool File Converter Turbo-Boosts AS400 Systems
Creating PDFs just got a whole lot easier! Why manually create PDFs when CoolSpools can automate…
Take the Pain Out Of IBM i Spool to Excel File Creation
Don’t you wish someone would invent an easier way to automatically convert System i spool &…
Would you like to see how CoolSpools Suite could modernise data management on your your IBM i?
Complete the form below and one of our technicians will get in touch.

Ariadne Software Ltd.
2 The Beeches
Beech Lane
United Kingdom
Useful links:
IBM i File Conversion with Coolspools Software
Convert Spool files to Excel
Convert Spool files to PDF
Spool File to PDF
AS400 to PDF
AS400 to XML
CoolSpools Licensing
CoolSpools Managed Services
CoolSpools Partners
CoolSpools latest Guides and Documentation
How to extract XML from AS400