Including Dynamic Images in Spooled File Conversions to PDF

Including Dynamic Images in Spooled File Conversions to PDF CoolSpools command CVTSPLPDF allows…

PDF passwords and encryption

FAQ: CoolSpools License and Support Keys

What is the difference between a CoolSpools License Key and Support Key? CoolSpools License and…

XML file

FAQ: Import XML to IBM i Database

The CoolSpools Database module contains functionality to simplify the process of importing from an…

PTF's for O/S V5R3 & R4

FAQ: CoolSpools PTF's for O/S V5R3 & R4

CoolSpools V6 on OS/400 prior to V6R1M0 PTF’s for O/S V5R3 & R4: CoolSpools is now built…

Coolspools variables

FAQ: Spool Admin Substitution Variables

If you need help with any of the techniques described below, feel free to contact our support…

Coolspools Email Setup Instructions

FAQ: AS400 email setup

AS400 email setup: If you need help with any of the techniques described below, feel free to…

FAQ: Coolspools & the IFS

Where does my output go and how can I access it? Coolspools and the IFS: Where the output is…

CoolSpools and Excel FAQ

CoolSpools and Excel: If you need help with any of the techniques described below, feel free to…

Coolspools and encrypted files

FAQ: Using encrypted zip files

Using encrypted zip files: If you need help with any of the techniques described below, feel free…

CoolSpools and backup systems

FAQ: CoolSpools backup systems

CoolSpools and backup systems: If you need help with any of the techniques described below, feel…