CoolSpools Converter

Easily convert AS400 / IBM i spool files to multiple formats, including Excel, XML, CSV, XML and PDF with enhanced formatting features. CoolSpools Converter doesn’t just provide software to convert AS400 spooled files; it also provides easy to use flexible functions to enhance the converted output. CoolSpools Converter is a module of the complete CoolSpools Suite.

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IBM i AS400 spool file converter pdf, Excel, XML
IBM i AS400 spool file converter pdf, Excel, XML

The complete AS400 Spool File Converter

  • Convert AS400 spooled files to PDF, Excel, XML, CSV, HTML, TIFF & RTF
  • Acts as an iSeries Excel add-in
  • Splits spool files into multiple documents
  • Merges or combines PDFs and Excel files
  • Drops unwanted lines and or pages
  • Defines meaningful file names and output paths
  • Selects different email recipients for different content
  • Includes graphics and images, including your company logo or watermark
  • Archives and saves spool files
  • Publishes reports on your AS400, Windows or Unix server, website or app
  • Encryption and digital signatures
  • Conforms to the ISO 19005 PDF/A document archiving standard.
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Buy CoolSpools Converter now from $2675 per LPAR.

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Annual maintenance is free in the first year after purchase.

Give your users reports in the format they want with CoolSpools Converter

CoolSpools Spool File Converter allows users to create a report or document pack containing a set of related documents from different converted IBM spool files or append a new worksheet to an existing Excel spreadsheet when converting a spool file to Excel format.

Plus, if there are certain pages or lines in your spooled file you don’t want to include in the converted output (PDF, Excel etc.), there are several ways to tell CoolSpools what to drop, and you can even email different spool file outputs or parts of spool files to other people or applications.

When you convert your spool and create a PDF, you can password protect and encrypt it so only authorised people can open it. You can also restrict what can be done to the converted spool PDF version and add digital signatures to authenticate PDFs as genuine and to guarantee they have not been tampered with since they were created.

Convert AS400 Spool to XML

CoolSpools Spool Converter also has some flexible and powerful features that enable you to save on programming time. By generating XML documents from your spool files, they can be imported into third-party applications.

Convert complex spool files

Note that many similar products only support simple SCS spooled files and cannot manage the more complex spooled file types such as AFPDS and IPDS.

Note also that even those products which do support AFP often do so by converting AFP output to a TIFF image and including that in the PDF that is generated. This means that the text in the PDF will not be searchable. CoolSpools Spool Converter converts AFP text to PDF text can generate fully searchable PDFs.

CoolSpools Spool Converter also supports:

  • Overlays
  • Page segments
  • Line and box graphics
  • Barcodes

Manage data extracts with a single command

CoolSpools Software helps you give your users and customers the right information, at the right time, and, just as importantly, in the right format.

CoolSpools runs entirely on the IBM i and does not need a PC to produce PDFs, Excel files etc., though these can then be easily accessed from a PC.

All spooled types supported, including:

  • *SCS (basic IBM i spooled files)
  • *AFPDS (more complex IBM i spooled files supporting things like fonts, images, lines and box graphics, barcodes etc.)
  • *IPDS
  • *USERASCII (HP PCL data stream)

CoolSpools Converter specifications

CoolSpools Spool Converter doesn’t just convert your spooled files, it helps you create and manage the business documents you really need by providing highly flexible but easy to use functions that address real business issues, such as:

AS400 spool file splitting
Split spooled files into multiple documents without the need to change your applications. For example, if your spooled file is a batch of documents (invoices, statements etc.), you can tell CoolSpools Spool Converter to create a new PDF every time the invoice number or customer number changes etc. You can even tell it to email each separate PDF to a different email address or address. Or maybe you want to convert your sales report to Excel format, but need to put each region’s section o the report into a different server directory. No problem: just tell CoolSpools Spool Converter where to find the region code/name on the report and it will create a new spreadsheet every time it changes and store it in a directory name based on the region. Learn more about Splitting/bursting spooled files.

Merging/combining PDFs and Excel files from AS400
Maybe you’d like to create a report or document pack containing a set of related documents from different spooled files. With CoolSpools Spool Converter you can append to an existing PDF when converting a spooled file to PDF. You can also merge/combined several PDFs with the MRGPDF command. The PDFs do not have to be CoolSpools-generated PDFs: any PDF will do. CoolSpools Spools Converter can also append a new worksheet to an existing spreadsheet when converting a spooled file to Excel format. We know of no other IBM i product that can do this.

Dropping unwanted lines/pages
If there are certain pages or lines in your spooled file you don’ want to include in the output (PDF, Excel etc.), there are several ways to tell CoolSpools what to drop, page number, pages at the start, pages at the end, lines or page containing certain text etc. Learn more about dropping unwanted pages from AS400 spools

Controlling file names and output paths
Often, you’ll want to give your files a meaningful name, for example including something like the invoice number or order number from inside the document in the name. CoolSpools Spool Converter has some really flexible and powerful features to help with this. You can use some attribute or combination of attributes of the spooled file, or you can extract data (e.g. invoice number, customer name etc.) from inside the spooled file and use it.  Learn more about how to give your AS400 output files meaningful names.

Selecting email recipients
Often you’ll want to email different spooled files or parts of spooled files to different people. CoolSpools Spool Converter has some great features to handle this. Which way is best for you depends on a number of things like where your email addresses are stored and what information there is in the spooled file to identify who the output is intended for. Whatever your needs, we’re confident we have an option that suits you. Learn more about CoolSpools and email addresses.

Include images (background forms, logos etc.) without the need for overlays
If your spooled file is normally printed on preprinted stationery and you want to include that form as a background to your PDF, no problem, CoolSpools Spool Converter makes that a breeze!

Alternatively, if you’d like to improve your documents with logos, watermarks or other graphics, that too is easy to do with CoolSpools Spool Converter. All you need is one or more JPEG or GIF images of the graphics or form you want to include. Just tell CoolSpools to build them into your PDF when it converts your spooled file. There’s no need to buy additional software or mess around creating page overlay objects or modifying your print application. Learn more about including images in PDF reports on AS400 / IBM i.

When you create a PDF you can password-protect and encrypt it so only authorized people can open it. You can also restrict what can be done to the PDF, e.g. preventing it from being modified, printed etc. (with or without a password)You can also add digital signatures to authenticate PDFs as genuine and to guarantee they have not been tampered with since they were created. Learn more about password encryption for PDF files from AS400 / IBM i.

AS400 and PDF Standards
CoolSpools Spool Converter can optionally produce PDFs that conform to the ISO 19005 PDF/A document archiving standard. Both Level 1A and Level 1B of the PDF/A standard are supported. Learn more about CoolSpools and PDF/A standards.

Exit Programs
CoolSpools Spool Converter implements several exit points allowing user-written exit programs to control aspects of its running and do things like override parameters at run time to determine file naming, output paths, passwords, email addresses etc. This puts you in total control of what CoolSpools does. Learn more about how CoolSpools can call an exit program on AS400 / IBM i.

Bookmarks/PDF Outlines
When converting a spooled file to PDF, CoolSpools Spool Converter can generate a set of bookmarks from the content of the document to produce an index or set of outlines, making it easy for users to navigate around large documents. For example, if you have a sales report organized by the branch within the region, you could produce a two-level index by region name and branch name within the region. You users can then go straight to the right page for a region or branch just by clicking on the name in the index.

Excel format reports from AS400
Give your users their reports in the format they want them in by converting spooled files to Excel spreadsheets. Jazz up your reports by adding styles: colour, fonts, shading, borders etc. are all supported. Add conditional formatting, e.g. color high values red and low values green automatically!

XML output from AS400
Generate XML documents from your spooled file so they can be imported into applications – and save time re-programming applications.

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CoolSpools Guides, FAQ’s and Documentation

FAQ: CoolSpools and H.A. / Replication

We’re using a High Availability system that replicates our objects and data to a backup system.…

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Sending emails to Office 365 from applications using IBM i 7.1?

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IBM IOS update and Coolspools

FAQ: CoolSpools and IBM i OS Upgrades

I’m upgrading to IBM i V6R1M0-V7R5M0, do I need a special version?

Coolspools IBM as/400

Generate AS/400 XML reports on your IBM i with CoolSpools

CoolSpools software for IBM i (AS/400) can generate AS/400 XML documents onto your server's IFS or…

CoolSpools and Excel FAQ

I’m running CoolSpools V6, CoolSpools PLUS, CoolSpools V5 or Slipstream V4 and am having problems…

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Simplifying FTP on the IBM i Server with CoolSpools

CoolSpools FTP commands make it easy to perform file transfers to and from your IBM i server.

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A smarter way to create PDF files in an IBM AS400 environment

With CoolSpools software you can automatically convert your spool file to PDF, or multiple PDF’s,…

Overlay alignment in CoolSpools

FAQ: CoolSpools and Overlay alignment

Why doesn’t my overlay line up properly?

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CoolSpools is a powerful but highly cost-effective information management toolkit for IBM i.
CoolSpools helps you give your users and customers the information they need, when they need it, how they need it.

Download the datasheet to learn more about how CoolSpools can deliver increased efficiencies to your IBM i environment.

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Admin Icon

CoolSpools Suite now comes with CoolSpools Admin included FREE!

Automate your spool file conversion and distribution.

With CoolSpools Admin, spool files can be processed automatically as soon as they are created, as the system lets you define spool file monitors that “watch” nominated output queues for new files being created. There is no polling involved so the system loading is minimal.

In batch mode CoolSpool Admin commands let you select sets of spool files to work on using various criteria and allows you to apply a command or sequence of commands to each of those selected spool files in turn.

CoolSpools Admin contains a highly powerful and customizable “work-with” screen for spool files in the style of PDM, that lets system operators and users manage, convert and email the spool files they produce. It includes features to select spool files by user, outq, user data, form type, and creation date. Plus many more user-defined options.

CoolSpools Admin is now included free with CoolSpools Suite.

Learn more about CoolSpools Admin


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