We’re using a High Availability system that replicates our objects and data to a backup system. What do I have to do in relation to my CoolSpools software?


If your site is using a software mirroring solution (such as MAXAVA, iCluster or MIMIX) to replicate objects and data from your live system to a backup system, please take note of the following points in relation to CoolSpools software. If you are using a hardware replication tool such as PowerHA that mirrors the entire disk, then the following points may not be relevant.

Note that we cannot advise exactly how you should configure your H.A. system for the following reasons:

  1. Configuration requirements will depend on your company or organization’s specific replication procedures
  2. Configuration will vary depending on the product version being used and its specific capabilities

However, here is some general guidance that can be used to inform your configuration choices.

CoolSpools Library

CoolSpools resides within the IBM i library COOLSPV7R1 (CoolSpools Version 7) or COOLSPV6R1 (CoolSpools Version 6). Replicating these product libraries will result in CoolSpools being mirrored between servers.

Licence and Support keys

CoolSpools license keys are not affected by replication as they are managed by the IBM License Management system outside of the CoolSpools product library. License keys should be applied to the production and backup servers individually.

CoolSpools support keys are stored within the CoolSpools product library, so we recommend excluding some objects from from replication to allow each server to store the relevant support keys. Again, support keys should be applied to the production and backup servers individually.

See this link if you are unclear of the difference between a license key and a support key

Objects that should not be replicated

The tables below list objects that should be excluded from replication

COOLSPV6R1 Objects that should not be replicated (CoolSpools Version 6)

Object name Object type Product or Option Description
COOLSPV6R1 *DTAARA CoolSpools V6 Product data area containing product status information and support keys etc.
CPV6R1BASE *DTAARA CoolSpools V6 Base Option Product option data area containing option status information
CPV6R1OPT1 *DTAARA CoolSpools V6 Option 1 Product option data area containing option status information
CPV6R1OPT2 *DTAARA CoolSpools V6 Option 2 Product option data area containing option status information
CPV6R1OPT3 *DTAARA CoolSpools V6 Option 3 Product option data area containing option status information
CPV6R1OPT4 *DTAARA CoolSpools V6 Option 4 Product option data area containing option status information
CPV6R1OPT5 *DTAARA CoolSpools V6 Option 5 Product option data area containing option status information
Any object with a name starting QPZA* or QPZR* Any All These are previous and new versions of objects created as part of the PTF installation process. They should not be replicated. They are not used. For Version 6, they should be managed using the following fix pack commands: LODFIX will install the new versions of objects; APYFIX *TEMP will put the new version live; RMVFIX allows you to roll back a fix that has not been permanently applied; APYFIX *PERM will permanently apply the fix.

COOLSPV7R1 Objects that should not be replicated (CoolSpools Version 7)

Object name Object type Product or Option Description
CP_PRDINFO *DTAARA CoolSpools V7 Product data area containing product status information and support keys etc.
CPV7R1BASE *DTAARA CoolSpools V7 Base Option Product option data area containing option status information
CPV7R1OPT1 *DTAARA CoolSpools V7 Option 1 Product option data area containing option status information
CPV7R1OPT2 *DTAARA CoolSpools V7 Option 2 Product option data area containing option status information
CPV7R1OPT3 *DTAARA CoolSpools V7 Option 3 Product option data area containing option status information
CPV7R1OPT4 *DTAARA CoolSpools V7 Option 4 Product option data area containing option status information
CPV7R1OPT5 *DTAARA CoolSpools V7 Option 5 Product option data area containing option status information
Any object with a name starting QPZA* or QPZR* Any All These are previous and new versions of objects created as part of the PTF installation process. They should not be replicated. They are not used. For Version 7, they should be managed using the following fix pack commands: LODFIX will install the new versions of objects; APYFIX *TEMP will put the new version live; RMVFIX allows you to roll back a fix that has not been permanently applied; APYFIX *PERM will permanently apply the fix.

Data Tables to Consider for Replication

By “Data”, we mean the contents of database files and data areas that contain CoolSpools configuration and history. You do not need to read this section unless you want to apply a more granular approach with a different replication strategy for different tables depending upon their update frequency.

The table below lists files and data areas that you may wish to replicate. The table indicates the nature of the data and in particular how frequently it is updated. You should decide your replication strategy in relation to each object listed here based on its data type and volatility.

Data types are defined as follows:

Data Type Definitions

Lookup file Data is accessed read-only to drive system processes and cannot be user maintained. It changes only when a PTF is applied.
Definition file Data is primarily accessed read-only to drive system processes but is user maintainable.
Control file A small quantity of heavily updated data (e.g. next email number, next transaction number etc.)
Log file Data is for audit purposes only and does not drive subsequent processing.
Template file The file is used only for taking copies into QTEMP as temporary work files
Transaction file The file contains data required to process transactions and is heavily updated by the system.

Data objects that form part of our software can be classified as follows:

Data Objects

Object name Object type Product or Option Description Data type Modified by Volatility
AR_CCSIDS *FILE CoolSpools *BASE CCSID definitions Lookup file Install or PTF apply only Nil (changes only when PTFs applied)
AR_NUMBER *FILE CoolSpools *BASE Next number file Control file System Heavily updated
AR_STLDFN *FILE CoolSpools *BASE Style definitions Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
AR_TRCDTA *FILE CoolSpools *BASE Trace data Log file System Heavy when used, but rarely used (only when diagnostic trace activated)
CM_ADRDIR *FILE CoolSpools Email Email Address Directories Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CM_ADRLST *FILE CoolSpools Email Email Address Lists Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CM_DIRENT *FILE CoolSpools Email Email Address Directory Entries Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CM_EMLACT *FILE CoolSpools Email Email Accounts Definition file User maintainable Not currently used
CM_ERRATC *FILE CoolSpools Email Failed Email Message Attachments Log file System Low (per failed email)
CM_ERRLOG *FILE CoolSpools Email Failed Email Log Log file System Low (per failed email)
CM_ERRRCP *FILE CoolSpools Email Failed Email Message recipients Log file System Low (per failed email)
CM_LSTENT *FILE CoolSpools Email Email Address List Entries Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CM_MAILID *FILE CoolSpools Email Last email id Control file System High (per email)
CM_MSGATC *FILE CoolSpools Email Email Message Attachments Log file System High (per email)
CM_MSGLOG *FILE CoolSpools Email Email Message Log Log file System High (per email)
CM_MSGRCP *FILE CoolSpools Email Email Message recipients Log file System High (per email)
CM_NUMBER *FILE CoolSpools Email Next number file Control file System Heavily updated
CM_RCVMSG *FILE CoolSpools Email Received Email Messages Transaction file System Currently unused
CM_RCVPRT *FILE CoolSpools Email Received Email Part Transaction file System Currently unused
CM_RCVRCP *FILE CoolSpools Email Received Email Recipient Transaction file System Currently unused
CM_SVRATC *FILE CoolSpools Email Attachments to emails sent via CoolSpools SMTP Log file System High (per email sent via this method)
CM_SVRATR *FILE CoolSpools Email CoolSpools SMTP server attributes Definition file User Low
CM_SVRCTL *FILE CoolSpools Email CoolSpools SMTP job control Transaction file System Moderate (per SMTP server job)
CM_SVRLOG *FILE CoolSpools Email Detailed history log for emails sent via CoolSpools SMTP Log file System High (per email sent via this method)
CM_SVRMSG *FILE CoolSpools Email Emails sent via CoolSpools SMTP Transaction file System High (per email sent via this method)
CM_SVRRCP *FILE CoolSpools Email Emails sent via CoolSpools SMTP to individual recipients Transaction file System High (per email sent via this method)
CM_USRDFT *FILE CoolSpools Email User Defaults Definition file System Currently unused
CS_DBFFLD *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Spooled File to Database Map Fields Definition File User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CS_DBFMAP *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Spooled File to Database Maps Definition File User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CS_FNTCTL *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Font Control File Lookup file Install or PTF apply only Nil (changes only when PTFs applied)
CS_FNTDTA *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Font Data Lookup file Install or PTF apply only Nil (changes only when PTFs applied)
CS_FNTGLP *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Font Glyphs Lookup file Install or PTF apply only Nil (changes only when PTFs applied)
CS_FNTKEY *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Font Key File Lookup file Install or PTF apply only Nil (changes only when PTFs applied)
CS_FNTMET *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Font Metrics Lookup file Install or PTF apply only Nil (changes only when PTFs applied)
CS_FNTNAM *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Font Names Lookup file Install or PTF apply only Nil (changes only when PTFs applied)
CS_FNTTBL *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Font Table Lookup file Install or PTF apply only Nil (changes only when PTFs applied)
CS_PDFFLD *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter PDF form fields Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CS_PDFFRM *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter PDF forms Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CS_PDFTXT *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter PDF form textbox fields Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CS_PRMSET *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Parameter Sets Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CS_PRTTBL *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Printer Table Lookup file Install or PTF apply only Nil (changes only when PTFs applied)
CS_RPTDFN *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Report definitions Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CS_RPTITM *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Report items Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CS_RPTLIN *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Report lines Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CS_RPTRUL *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Report rules Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CS_RPTSCT *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Report sections Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CS_STRIDX *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Excel strings work file Template file Install or PTF apply only Nil (just a template)
CS_XLSCEL *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Report-to-Excel Map Cells Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CS_XLSMAP *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Report-to-Excel Maps Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CS_XLSROW *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Report-to-Excel Map Row Groups Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CS_XLSTXT *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Report-to-Excel Map Constant Text Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CS_XLTTBL *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Special translation tables Definition file – multi-member User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CS_XMLATR *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Report-to-XML Map Attributes Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CS_XMLELM *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Report-to-XML Map Element Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
CS_XMLMAP *FILE CoolSpools Spool Converter Report-to-XML Maps Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
SL_FMTENT *FILE CoolSpools Database Format set entries Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
SL_FMTSET *FILE CoolSpools Database Format sets Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
SL_STRIDX *FILE CoolSpools Database Excel strings work file Template file Install or PTF apply only Nil (just a template)
SL_XLSCEL *FILE CoolSpools Database Database-to-Excel Map Cells Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
SL_XLSIMG *FILE CoolSpools Database Database-to-Excel Map Images Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
SL_XLSMAP *FILE CoolSpools Database Database-Database-to-Excel Maps Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
SL_XLSOUT *FILE CoolSpools Database Template for output from CVTXLDBF Template file Install or PTF apply only Nil (just a template)
SL_XLSROW *FILE CoolSpools Database Database-to-Excel Map Row Groups Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
SL_XLSTXT *FILE CoolSpools Database Database-to-Excel Map Constant Text Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
SL_XMLATR *FILE CoolSpools Database Database-to-XML Map Attributes Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
SL_XMLELM *FILE CoolSpools Database Database-to-XML Map Element Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
SL_XMLMAP *FILE CoolSpools Database Database-to-XML Maps Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
ST_ERRLOG *FILE CoolSpools Spool Admin Error log Log file System Unpredictable
ST_JOBCTL *FILE CoolSpools Spool Admin Job Control File Control file System Medium (per control job)
ST_NUMBER *FILE CoolSpools Spool Admin Unique numbers Control file System High (per transaction)
ST_SBSVAR *FILE CoolSpools Spool Admin Substitution variable definitions Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
ST_SCPENT *FILE CoolSpools Spool Admin Spooled file script entries Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
ST_SCRIPT *FILE CoolSpools Spool Admin Spooled file scripts Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
ST_SPLLOG *FILE CoolSpools Spool Admin Work with spooled files log Log file System High (per spooled file action)
ST_SPLMON *FILE CoolSpools Spool Admin Spooled file monitor definitions Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
ST_SPLRUL *FILE CoolSpools Spool Admin Spooled file rules Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
ST_SPLTRN *FILE CoolSpools Spool Admin Spooled file transactions Transaction file System High (per spooled file transaction)
ST_STDOPT *FILE CoolSpools Spool Admin Standard Options Definition file Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)
ST_TRNRUL *FILE CoolSpools Spool Admin Spooled file transaction rules Transaction file System High (per spooled file transaction)
ST_TRNSTP *FILE CoolSpools Spool Admin Spooled file transaction steps Transaction file System High (per spooled file transaction)
ST_USROPT *FILE CoolSpools Spool Admin User Options Definition file User maintainable Low (when changed by a user)

Non-data Objects to Consider for Replication

By “Non-data objects”, we mean objects such as:

  • programs (object type *PGM)
  • service programs (*SRVPGM)
  • display files (object type *FILE attribute DSPF)
  • printer files (object type *FILE attribute PRTF)
  • commands (*CMD)
  • panel groups (*PNLGRP)
  • message files (*MSGF)
  • user spaces (*USRSPC). These are only used by CoolSpools for static information or (in the case of those created in QTEMP) for temporary information which does not need to be replicated.
  • workstation customization objects (*WSCST)
  • job descriptions (*JOBD)
  • job queues (*JOBQ)
  • subsystems descriptions (*SBSD)
  • menus (*MENU)

These objects change relatively infrequently, typically only when a fix pack (PTF) or a new release is installed.

In relation to objects of this type, you have two main choices so far as H.A./replication systems are concerned. Each choice has advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Install fixes (PTFs) on your live system only, rely on your H.A. software to replicate object changesThis approach has the advantage of simplicity, in that you only need to install fix packs on the one system. However, this approach also has the significant disadvantage that OS/400 (IBM i) on the target system will not be aware that the fix (PTF) has been installed. This is because our fix packs are packaged as OS/400 PTFs and OS/400 tracks what PTFs have been installed. The H.A. software will not update OS/400’s internal tables correctly to indicate that the PTF has been installed. This means that DSPPTF on the target system will display incorrect information and any subsequent attempt to install a fix pack directly onto that system may fail.
  2. Install fixes (PTFs) on both systems and do not replicate object changesThis approach has the disadvantage that it is more complex, as you need to be sure to install fix packs on both systems to keep objects in sync, but has the advantage that both systems will correctly indicate the PTF level of the software when you run DSPPTF. On balance, this is the approach we recommend.

Other items to Consider for Replication

You should be aware that CoolSpools V6 and earlier versions of our software use two other features of OS/400 (IBM i) which may not be replicated by your H.A. Software but which have a significant bearing on the operation of the system.

  1. Registered functionsRegistered functions are a feature of OS/400 (IBM i) which enable applications to control access to system functions in a similar way to object-level security. We use registered functions to allow users to manage access to items such as:
    • Spool Admin standard and user defined options
    • Spool Admin features such as the ability to run commands at the command line in WRKSPLFPDM
    • Spool Converter report definitions and report maps
    • Database maps

    See these InfoCenter articles for further details of registered functions as a feature of OS/400 (IBM i):

    So far as we are aware, registered functions are not replicated by any H.A. system and they are also not saved by IBM commands such as SAVSYS, SAVSECDTA or SAVE menu option 21.

    For this reason, CoolSpools *BASE includes commands SAVREGFNC (Save Registered Functions) and RSTREGFNC (Restore Registered Functions) to allow you to take a snapshot of the registered functions defined on your system and user authorities to those functions. The information is saved into a stream file. This stream file can be used to restore those registered functions and user authorities to another partition or system.

    It is recommended that you run SAVREGFNC regularly (and especially after changing registered function settings) to ensure that your registered functions and associated user authorities can be restored in the event of a system failure or duplicated to a backup system in the event of a failure.

  2. Environment variables – Environment variables are a feature of OS/400 (IBM i) which provide a simple and convenient way of defining items of information at either a system- or job-level that applications can use to control aspects of processing. earlier software versions use environment variables to define things such as:
    • Spool Admin standard and user defined options
    • Spool Admin features such as the ability to run commands at the command line in WRKSPLFPDM
    • Spool Converter report definitions and report maps
    • Database maps

    A full set of environment variables used by CoolSpools V6 is available in the Programmer’s Guide.

    See this InfoCenter article for further details of environment variables as a feature of OS/400 (IBM i):

    So far as we are aware, environment variables are not replicated by any H.A. system and they are also not saved by IBM commands such as SAVSYS or SAVE menu option 21.

    Although we do not provide a SAVENVVAR (Save Environment Variables) or RSTENVVAR (Restore Environment Variables) command as part of our licensed programs, we can provide such commands on request on an “as-is” unsupported basis. These commands work in a similar way to SAVREGFNC and RSTREGFNC in that they save system-level environment variable settings into a stream file. This stream file can be used to restore those system-level environment variable settings to another partition or system.