IBM i Tasks

If you work in an IBM i, AS/400 or iSeries environment, there are many applications on the market that claim to make things easier and faster.

But are any of them as powerful as CoolSpools (

When it comes to converting spool to Excel, PDF, XML or many other popular file formats, few – if any – IBM i solutions on the market match the simplicity and versatility of CoolSpools software

Here are just three of the tasks involving IBM i Excel files, IBM i PDFs and XML that can be done quicker and easier using CoolSpools…

Task: Producing Excel Sales Reports 

Involves: Importing data into Excel. Applying any formatting. Splitting into multiple documents for sales territory or product type. Emailing different files to different recipients.

How CoolSpools software can help: CoolSpools takes the data straight from your IBM i spool files and converts it to Excel. But it does so much more than that! Your Excel files can be formatted for you, with colour-coding and even conditional formatting. CoolSpools can even split your IBM i Excel files into multiple different files based on the criteria you specify – then send your IBM i Excel files to multiple recipients.

Task: Producing PDF Quotes & distribute to recipients. 

Involves: Merging the relevant spool file data with company information such as logos and watermarks. Attaching business terms and conditions. Sending the PDFs by email.

How CoolSpools software can help: Again, the data is coming straight from your spool files, which the CoolSpools spool file converter outputs as a IBM i PDF – no manual entry needed. You don’t need to spend valuable time inserting and positioning images – if it’s a JPEG or GIF, the CoolSpools software can insert it into the PDF for you, plus it can merge or attach additional PDF’s. And once you tell CoolSpools software where to send the IBM i PDF files, consider them sent!

Task: Importing data into web applications.

Involves: Extracting the relevant data. Checking the veracity of the data. Creating XML for import.

How CoolSpools software can help: By taking care of everything! CoolSpools software can convert your spool file data to XML, ready to be imported into your web applications. You can be assured the data is correct, as it’s coming directly from your IBM i spools.

This is just a taste of how CoolSpools spool file converter can make your working life easier.

Whether you need Excel, PDF, XML, HTML, TIFF or CSV, CoolSpools can convert spool files to all these formats – and format the output however you desire.

So forget those mundane tasks – leave it all to CoolSpools. Find out more about this powerful IBM i spool file converter.