FAQ: Coolspools Exit Programs
If you need help with any of the techniques described below, feel free to contact our support…
FAQ: Giving your files meaningful names
If you need help with any of the techniques described below, feel free to contact our support…
FAQ: Splitting/bursting spooled files
If you need help with any of the techniques described below, feel free to contact our support…
Upgrade to CoolSpools V6 or V7 from an Older Version
This page attempts to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about upgrading to one of…
Securing your files with Password Protection
Securing your files, Coolspools You are probably aware that CoolSpools provides a suite of…
CoolSpools Converts i Series files to XML
XML files (eXtensible Markup Language) are now widely used to share information with many different…
Do you wish you could convert your spooled files to PDF files?
Well, the good news is that you can! CoolSpools was developed primarily to convert all system i…
CoolSpools – help save the environment, time and costs
Surely these are common objectives for most global companies these days. At Ariadne, the…
Do you need to convert complex iSeries data into manageable PDF files?
Are you regularly faced with a mass of raw data, which needs interpretation, sorting and then…